Thursday, January 7, 2010


Stretching is so important when it comes to dancing and any other sport. Stretching is sometimes a pain and a hassle, but it has many benefits even if your not a dancer. Most people believe that stretching is a waste of time and that it doesn't do anything. But that is definitely not true, stretching is extremely necessary when warming up. It can help prevent injury and it increases the blood and nutrient supply to muscles. Stretching correctly is also very important. If you don't really know what your doing, you could hurt yourself. You should hold each stretch for 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 60 seconds. It shouldn't feel pleasant, you should feel the stretch and a little pain. Not only should you stretch before exercise, but you should stretch after also. This can help to relax and balance tension on muscles. I know stretching can be a pain, but taking a little time before you exercise is better then becoming injured.

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